Youth Ministry

  • God is present in some wonderful and exciting ways with our youth at Zion!

    Zion is blessed with a faithful cohort of busy kids, who plug into the fabric of Zion Lutheran Church in various and sundry ways. In addition, youth ministry is always on the lookout for creative moments to gather for fellowship, Bible study, service projects, and conversation.   

    In the recent past, we've gathered for Friday Fun Nights and Christmas parties, tied blankets to share with Shelter House and to bless our graduating high school seniors, helped pack groceries for the food pantry, and assisted in leading Sunday School music time.  

    Exciting plans are underway for 2024!   A contingent from Zion will be attending the ELCA Youth Gathering to be held in New Orleans in July!  This mountain-top experience happens every three years, and provides an awesome chance for learning about the wider church, growing in faith through Bible study and conversation, and jumping in to help with service projects.  Please pray for our youth as they prepare for the Gathering, and be on the lookout for ways that the Zion congregation can bless and support them.

    For questions about Zion's youth ministry, please contact:

    Melanie Sigafoose ( - Interim Coordinator for Youth Ministries 

  • For more details about Youth Ministry events or to reach out to Interim Director Melanie Sigafoose, feel free to contact her via email at [email]. Melanie is passionate about creating a supportive and inclusive space for our youth to thrive.

    Join us in the journey of faith, fellowship, and fun within our Youth Ministry at Zion Lutheran Church. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!